Monday, 23 July 2012

Moreheads sneaky peeks

Crafters Companion are launching a fantastic CD on Friday as pick of the week on Create and Craft. The moreheads double CD is packed with loads of goodies including all the usual contents of Crafters Companion CDs but with lots of extras including some stunning embellishments and shaped cards which you will get to see on other design team members blogs.

As my design team role is slightly different as I have to create jewellery using the CD I fancied trying something different with some of the stunning embellishments.

I printed out 2 pages of the same sheet of flower embellishments onto milky shrink plastic and left to dry overnight. Then with great care I cut out the images that I wanted and using a hole punch created the holes for my findings to go through and then shrunk them using a heat gun. The ink was still a bit unstable so I sprayed them with gold spray and sparkle to completely seal it. Then using gold findings from the gold chain pack from the Beaders Companion website I put together this necklace using jump rings to join the flowers together and added a  couple of pink beads from the small glass bead box also available on the website.These were then connected onto the gold chain from the pack and this is the finished result;

Necklace and earrings

To complete the set I made a small gift box and used one of the decoupage toppers from the CD and with some of the flowers left over I shrunk these down and added as embellishments.

The completed set
Thanks for stopping by and keep an eye open for more sneaky peeks xxx